
All our framing is done on the premises. We specialise in high quality framing to suit your particular item to be framed; from high quality conservation framing of valuable items – both in monetary terms and sentimental value; to decorative framing of prints, mirrors and much much more. Scroll through the gallery below to see some samples of our work.

We frame works on paper, including watercolours, lino prints, etchings, screenprints, drawings, photographs, maps, paintings, certificates and degrees, papercuts and lots more.

We also frame tapestries, cross-stitches, long-stitches and embroideries, memorabilia – including sporting memorabilia and jerseys. We can stretch your artwork on canvas ready to either frame or hang, and we offer a stretcher making service for artists. Custom mirror frames can be made to any size and completed with either plain or beveled mirror for both bathrooms and other household rooms.

Our computerized mat cutter enables us to not only tailor the design of the cut out, but decorate the mat with many different designs and writing. From simple French wash lines, elaborate v-grooves, to the drawing on of logos.

We spend time with you, with our knowledge, experience and extensive range of materials to ensure that you achieve the effect you desire . We will help as little or as much as you require.

Ask us about our special rates for artists, students and galleries.